Little Things - By Liya Bobby

In today’s fast paced world, I believe we tend to forget to live for ourselves. We are pushed and forced to run with the pace, and so we do. But honestly if we think, what are we going to gain for pushing our lives like this? Are we seizing the day? Are we making it count? Are we living it to the fullest? Every night before you go to bed, is there something special your mind alerts you, that you could have done? Or even you should do in the future? I’ll tell you, that is your heart’s desire, which is something you should chase after.

The world has been running at its fast pace chasing money, fame and comfort for long and it is not under our control. What we can do is to make a choice, a choice to run a little behind and enjoy what our Earth has offered to us while we can. Let us abandon our grudges and hate and focus on positivity and spreading love because life is too short to hold grudges against our foe. 

We should take time to look at the serene blue sky, observe the green leaves and the beautiful birds around. Look at the wonderful world around us while we can, for we know our life in this world is just a mere blink when compared to the eternity. Enjoy the world; see the beauty of the Nature; feel it; admire it; and ponder over it. Think about the creator there at the start, from the beginning of time who still takes care of it. Wonder how He spoke to the dark and created the wonderful world we live in.


Because in the end, don’t leave any chances to regret the opportunities we didn't take. So make every moment count; go for long walks alone, admire your surroundings, relish the feeling of the wind caressing your hair, enjoy the whisper of rain on the corn leaves, adore the different art the sky creates during sunsets and sunrise; and always be grateful for your beating heart and the air that moves in and out from your lungs; helping you enjoy and experience this beautiful world we live in.


  1. Go ahead dear............! We support you.....❣❣❣

  2. Good thoughts in words that inspire to think on self

  3. Good job Liya. Very well written.

  4. True Liya..we often complaint to God for what we don't have and forget to be thankful for the abundant blessings we have...cherishing the present moment and beauty aroud really matters


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