Be the better you , by Sanjana Saji Nair

 Self belief and self motivation are the basic and important qualities that a person must possess. But when we become our own critic and let our insecurities rule us, it becomes a major issue. This inferiority complex blocks our sight from our bright future. When we rate ourselves by comparing with others, it never leaves a positive effect on us. So to achieve the position where you see yourself in the future, we should be our true self and ignore the inner critical voice and acknowledge the unique talents that we have. We are the one who should push us to go ahead in our life, because no one else will do that for us. The limitations that we think are only our imaginations. All the criticisms that you put on yourself will have power over you only if you allow it to do so. The comparisons that you do with others should be replaced by self comparison. By this you become a better yourself tomorrow. Always strive to improve and make progress not for perfection.


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