A Healthy Relationship with Social Media by Anjana S
What we are already aware of, is the fact that social media is quite problematic when it comes to the well-being of our mental health. Many of us become victims of addiction, depression, social anxiety etc, while using social media excessively. These mental health disorders commonly occur when people compare themselves to others through the means of social media. When we browse through our feeds, a tendency to compare ourselves to other people increases. We start the comparison in terms of body image, wealth, emotional well-being and so on. Other factors that contribute to the negative effects of social media is cyberbullying which is quite horrifying. Social media might have various benefits but the drawbacks of it is highly threating. Therefore, making use of social media in a righteous manner is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
Nobody looks back on their lives and thinks, "I wish I had spent more time on Facebook and Instagram." So, why waste so much of your precious time looking through tweets, insta stories and so on? Cultivate a healthy relationship with social media. In simple words, stop reaching for your phone every time you hear that notification bell. Never let your offline life collide with the online one, just learn how to balance it. So, look after yourself and don't let social media ruin you.
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