AND IT THRIVES- Nayantara B Terese

"When I look at my room ,I see a girl who loves books"
-Looking for Alaska(John Green) 

 I truly believe that this qoute is influencing me a lot. This is a short story that says why should I read and how it became a significant part in my life. When I was in sixth standard my father bought the novel "Aadujeevitham" by Benyamin. After reading that book I saw my parents analyzing it. That generated  a curiosity in my heart . So my heart was tending to read that book and I wanted to know what is so special in that book. So I took it and started reading . Within two days I have completed  that book and my parents astonished on my activity because  till then my world  of reading was revolving around  kalikudukka and children stories. And that was the beginning. 
   But this book take me to a world beyond my imagination and beliefs. After that I read  'the Alchemist' and so many famous works. I went to seek treasure with Santiago, I jumped into the wonderland with Alice,  I asked questions with Chiruthakutty and I shared my life with Najeeb . Slowly it became my addiction.  I loved it and lived in it.
    Gradually I grew up. My hobby became weak in sometimes but it flourished as it rooted . Then I learnt that reading is not only for the just a leasiure or as a hobby. It made a sixthsense in my life . I started to think beyond the ideas.
    I felt reading  is helping me in several ways. I started  to attending  non-academic  field such as quizzing, story writing and many other fields . Before I was an introvert person, but my books made me to come out from the shell and speak out what's on my mind. And it teached me how to be a self disciplined one. Whenever I needed the characters came into my mind and shed lighten to the right way. Sometimes it became a strong piller to rely and sometimes it became pills for my life when I suffered of boredom. Above all it became my good friend. Eventually it spreads its magical spells to other fields like reading any thing.. And that's why  Stephan King told "Books are a uniquely portable magic.”


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