Reading: An Unparalleled Adventure by Nandanalakshmi M

"A book is a dream that you hold in your hand".

Reading is an exceptional art that stimulates a creative as well as erudite outlook on various matters around the world. It enriches the extend of our knowledge, and facilitate us to make use of that knowledge in practise. More beyond a hobby, reading is a matter of intellectual involvement as it improves your memory and deepens your level of concentration. A preciseful reading experience comes when you're in a state of tranquility such that every event described in a text is portrayed inside the reader. In such a state of mind, one can seek the aesthetic pleasure of reading which paves a way to reduce our stress and get rid of frustrations. 

When you read once, you create a world of imagination and it gives certain interpretations far transcending than the picture created by the author. That's why it is said that the death of an author is equal to the birth of a reader. In addition, people who expose a passion towards writing can ameliorate their vocabulary through profound reading. Just think of the contrast between using a word "winter cearing" instead of saying "sorrow of the winter". Both have the same dimension, but placing a better word conveying the same idea would make our work much unique and admirable. 

"Each bit of paper you read, is an ocean of knowldege, and you won't ever find anything that you read to be futile." Through impenetrable reading, we're discovering a world that tenates wide range of perspectives. It opens up communication and an expression towards the world. And its unvariably true that no other means can substitute the impact of being a good reader. Our former President, Sir APJ Abdul Kalam never kept those bank accounts, air conditioners or pensions he earned after service as the most treasured acquisition, instead he considered the 2500 books that he owned in his personal library to be the greatest achievement of his journey . This itself is a best instance where knowledge scripts the integrity of a man's destiny. 

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies while a man who never reads lives only once." Its evident that if you sow the flavours of pure reading, then you can reap the fire of wisdom. Anyone who loves to read preserves what he achieved for the posterity and his attainment is shared as an enlightment. 

So, if you wish to renew your mind, then read from the heart.


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