Can WE Make out?(Significance of title Can You Make Out)- NAYANTARA B TERESE

Kumar Vikal was a famous Hindi Poet. Throughout his poems we could see his voice for marginalized oppressed societies. Can you make out is also tells us the same story of people who lost everything because of mad reckless riots which came from different entities.
India is a land of diversities. And this unique feature of India could make India more proud and in the same time it could become a curse. Because each one of us has different entities such as caste, religion, believes,  culture, region and so on. It is really hard to maintain its inner peace. At times it will cost huge loss for our nation. The people don't know why they are fighting for. At last they are shedding their blood for these mere caste and other worthless stuffs. Then we cannot identify them by their caste or class.  We may be different according to our caste and religion but biologically we all are same - Homo sapiens. The person who set frontiers are none other than us. Until we break these shackles we cannot achieve our peace. 
In the most cases we could see the victim is the common middle class man. They become the soundless for the privileged ones. They become weak one for the economically and politically powerful people. During the circumstance they forgetting one thing. They are the people who should serve common man. They should be there for the citizens in their needs. Instead of that they are misusing them. The title Can You Make Out is a rhetorical question. So we cant give a correct answer for that. When we consider other people as a human being, then we will get its answer.


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