Few impactful sentences from 'Roots' by Aishwarya Jijikumar

The roots is a short story written by Ismat Chugtai which vividly elaborates the impact of partition on interpersonal relationships and the idea of homeland. This is one of the stories that touches the readers heart with the mastery of soul stirring language. 

According to me, these are the five most profound sentences that captured the essence of the story. 

1. The wretched urchins did not realize that the English had left and, while leaving, had inflicted such a deadly wound that would fester for years to come. 

– This is the sentence in the opening paragraph which is the focal point of the story. Metaphor is used as the children are referred to as wretched urchins here. It says that when English left India, they had inflicted a deadly wound, which is the partition that resulted in aggressive communal riots and disharmony and it’s effect would continue to be a curse for our country. 

2. India was operated upon such clumsy hands and blunt knives that thousands of arteries were left open. Rivers of blood flowed, and no one had the strength left to stitch the wounds. 

– The heartwrenching picture of partition is depicted here. Hundreds and thousands of innocent people suffered the after effects and atrocities caused by the partition and in the process countless lost their lives. No one ever had the strength to unite our vulnerable nation. Synecdoche is employed as “clumsy hands and blunt knives that thousands of arteries were left open” is used to refer to common man. 

3. I’m like a lamp in it’s last gasp. A mild gust of wind and all this fuss about choosing a land will be over.

– These are Amma’s words. She is making this comment when her family is trying to persuade her to move to Pakistan. Here simile is employed as Amma compares herself to a lamp and a mild gust of wind could destroy her as she is in the final stage of her life. The picture of an old woman who is unable to understand the intricacies of partition is also depicted here. 

4. Her restless eyes gazed helplessly towards the other side of the chasm. The house on the other side seemed as far as removed as a fleeting cloud in the distant sky.

– A moving picture of Amma who is helplessly gazing at Roopchandji’s house brings tears to our eyes. The interpersonal relationships of two close knitted families who are widened by communal disparities is aptly captured in this statement. 

5. Ten images of flesh and blood – ten human beings were born that hallowed room from the sacred womb which they left behind that day. 

– This is the poignant statement of the story which sums up the hardships and endearing efforts of mother and motherhood. The memories etched in her heart flashed through her mind as Amma wanders in and around that hallowed room alone. The silence prevails. Metonymy is employed as sacred womb symbolises Amma whom her children had left behind.


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