A look into 'Can you make out?' by Gopika S Nair

 The poem ' Can you make out' by  Kumar Vikal shows the light of sufferings and problems faced by the common people during the communal riot. The poem itself begins with many questions. The poet is questioning everyone.  

             Seeing the blood splattered on the road can you make tell whose blood it is by smelling it? There is a Tiffin- carrier half hidden on the road, can you tell to which caste the smell belongs to? There are blood stained clothes, worn out shoes, broken cycles etc Can you tell to which nationality do they belongs? Mother who is waiting for ther daughter from the school without knowing that she has been killed. Can you find out the creed of those tears? And do anyone know the the inner meaning of the cries who was deeply wounded that are in hospital? The poet knowns the blood - stained clothes belong to the craftsman, the blood belongs to the common people. But the author don't know the religion of the tears of the mother . He doesn't know the meaning of the inner pain. .The poem ' Can you make out' by  Kumar Vikal shows the light of sufferings and problems faced by the common people during the communal riot. The poem itself begins with many questions. The poet is questioning everyone.  


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