
Showing posts from December, 2020

L.O.V.E by Aiswarya Babu

Love is a four letter word Which involve everything in it. Is like a crazy ride Once you get in, it is difficult to get out. Is like an ice cream The less you eat , the more it get melted.   Is like a rain The less you get wet, the more you get soaked. Is like a war Can be easily started, but really difficult to end.   Is like a stupid, funny thing  The less you get involve, the more you get dissolved.

A ride with realities by Sanjana Saji Nair

 Life is the most adventurous ride u will experience. Sometimes we fly over the horizone of happiness, and sometimes we hit rock bottom. So we always have to prepare for the coming bounce. It is true that sometimes we blind ourselves because we are too scared to face the realities of life. Running away from them is super easy....whereas facing it and working through them makes you fearless and strong. Happiness and troubles visits everyone's life then and now. A life without ups and downs marks a dead life......just like how the ECG waves go flat when the person is no more.  Face the realities as it is.... not as you wish it to be. Never see life as a problem to be solved, but it is actually a great thrilling and enjoyable ride of realities to be experienced.

OH School By Sandra Santhosh

" The past is a candle at great distance; too close to let you quit, too far to comfort you"             As children we always wanted to grow up fast but there comes a day that you will realise that income homework and broken toys were far better than unfulfilled dreams and the world outside. The school days are an epilome of innocence and naivety and we didn't realist it until we weren't a part of it anymore! Sitting  back and reminiscing those memories does send us back  to the memory lane.  We used to fight for silly things with our friends. Our fights are either for the window seat or for pencils, pens etc. Recess which was our favourite time period in school always seemed to be very short. In those days we hate our school as it was responsible for our busy life. Then when we pass out from our school, we then keep watching it and starts recalling all the fun, that we did on those days.            Think of a d...

Unhappy by Fathima Heena Hasmi

Why is our generation so unhappy? I tried to state a few reasons for it. Reason 1: we compare our lives with others. Instead of counting the blessings and privileges we are accessible to, we are busy complaining for what we don't have. We are not at all aware of the blessings and privileges that we have. We try to emulate others lives. Reason 2: we adore lives on social media. Not everything we see on social media platforms are real. Everyone tends to fake their lifestyle on social media. Nobody posts the gloomy sides of their life, we only choose to show the happiest moments. So, being depressed admiring the lives of social media celebrities is meaningless. Reason 3: we're trying to be like others. Every single person is unique. Instead of trying to be like others, be yourself and live your life to its fullest. When compared with the past generations, depression rate is rising these days. While it was 14.55 per 100,000 people in 1990, it was 11.16 per 100,000 in 2016. ...

പ്രിയങ്ങൾ by Nayantara B Terese

പലതും എന്നെ ആകർഷിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കിലും ആ പൊട്ടിയ ചില്ലുകണ്ണാടിയേക്കാൾ പ്രിയമേറിയതൊന്നും ഇല്ല എൻ മനസ്സിൽ. എൻ ചിതറിയ സ്വപ്നങ്ങളും, തെറിച്ചുപോയ അവസരങ്ങളും, തളച്ചു കയറിയ ഓർമ്മകളും.... പല നിറത്തിൽ പല ഭാവത്തിൽ പല വലുപ്പത്തിൽ എല്ലാം എൻ മുൻപിൽ ഓരോ  കണികകളായി മാറുന്നു.

The Alluring Elegance of Nature by Aishwarya Jijikumar

It seems glorious and blissful waking up to the soothing humming and enchanting chirping of the feathered friends. There is nothing as pleasing as the view of a pearl like dewdrop on a glowing green leaf, the vibrant hues of the florets, the flock of sheep and cattle grazing in the meadow and the bluish white sky graced by sunshine in the morning. It evokes euphoria and jouissance in a person's heart. A hallucinating effect encaptures us wholly while admiring the alluring elegance of nature. It enables us to dream with eyes wide open. Nothing ever matches up with the tranquility of Mother Nature. "In a world of constant change and streaming technology, I find solace in the forest where a tree remains a tree." -Angie Weiland Crosby Here, Angie refers to the serenity amidst the hustle that the nature delivers. Pondering about the past, these aesthetic pleasures are something that we miss today. If human beings continue to recklessly exploit the nature, then these escapades ...

A Healthy Relationship with Social Media by Anjana S

Social media plays an important role in every one of our lives. In this digital age, it is not something we can completely avoid. From completing an assignment to catching up with an old friend of ours, social media helps us in many ways. What we are already aware of, is the fact that social media is quite problematic when it comes to the well-being of our mental health. Many of us become victims of addiction, depression, social anxiety etc, while using social media excessively. These mental health disorders commonly occur when people compare themselves to others through the means of social media. When we browse through our feeds, a tendency to compare ourselves to other people increases. We start the comparison in terms of body image, wealth, emotional well-being and so on. Other factors that contribute to the negative effects of social media is cyberbullying which is quite horrifying. Social media might have various benefits but the drawbacks of it is highly threating. Therefore, m...