
Showing posts from November, 2020

To travel is to explore -Gouri. R

Travelling in a sense is exploring the beauty of nature. Alloring nature is always a stress reliever. Whenever we feel ourselves overwhelmed with daily routines of life, we should go out and explore what nature hide in her hands. More than to a crowded city we must feel the cool mist in countryside. There you can see the common, innocent and typical son of mother earth. Travelling is also the discovery of vibrant flavours, culture and eventually it is also a self discovery.Nature always have an ability to sooth us and make us fly free in the cold breeze. Whenever we feel burning ourselves with tension just go to a beach and dip your legs in that in that gentle waves. Instead of going for a luxurious tour for relief, just look for a natural spot that ease your mind and job. I always wonder who designed this beauty, who is such a creative person. By getting closer to such places make us also creative. Every journey is such an experience ,that helps to bring out the  true one inside o...

He. - Sidharth G

  He kept his silence While the world ridiculed her While her dreams where shattered While she was beaten and dragged along the street While she was burned alive and raped and killed All he did was keep quiet and watch in silence as it happened.   He finally raised his voice When she dared to dream When she expressed her desire to fly When she decided to break the shackles cast upon her by the world That’s when he broke his silence To keep her dreams, her desires and her aspirations fastened and forgotten.

Alone by Aiswarya Babu

Since birth I'm all alone Neither had a brother nor a sister, Tried to mingle but got avoided All I had was my shadow with me, Tried to be with someone  But again got ignored, Why is it so? Unknown yet!! If someone asks me  "Had someone hurt you?" My reply to them will be "Yes, my own expectations." SO IT'S BETTER NOT TO EXPECT TOO MUCH SHOULDN'T BELIEVE TOO MUCH BECAUSE THOSE TOO MUCH CAN HURT TOO MUCH.

The Red Window. - Sidharth G

She spent her days all alone In that dingy little room, Gazing out into the world That was filled with nothing but gloom.   She looked out through the window panes, Towards the main street, And the little Red Window Caught the corner of her eye.   Day after day, she sat and watched, Without fail, That Red Window, While perusing through the book she had.   Watch and watch and watch she did But the window opened not one bit. It stayed resolute and shut, Never once revealing its secrets.   Time rolled on, and she left her nest To explore the world, she’d always dreamed of To see things, others couldn’t even fathom To scale heights, thought to be unsurmountable.   When at last she returned, a stranger, She peered out through the tainted glass And there it was, the Red Window, still fastened. She glanced at it and smiled to self, reassured that she was finally home.  


  Dreams are today's answer to tomorrow's question.  When you cease to dream you cease to live. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life more interesting.  These are the words of great people who wishes for a world full of dreams. Keep you heart  open to dreams. For a long as there's a dream, there is hope, and as long  as there is hope, there is joy in living. Not having a dream will be a great loss to the world because the world needs everyone's gift.  So, dream must exist in the world in order to make it really a magical world..  Sandra Santhosh

Goodbye by Nandanalakshmi

He was born in the middle of prejudices with attributes of the last sign of the Zodiac. And often he never postponed the peace of his mind, and loved being benevolent and enamored. Life went on without much scrapes and squeezes and he was designated as a proficient human! As he was approaching the autumn of his life, stretches made his skin thin and fragile. Sebaceous glands permuted his epidermis and his family ties, challenges and loneliness made toils! Those eyes viewed as if it was through a cloudy window, and his health was slowly captured by Parkinsonism. His physique entirely transformed, and then he became a regular traveller to the nearest infirmary. It was around half past ten at night. And his caretaker served the last supper... He heard that most craving melody  and slowly closed those hazel eyelids. His life was splashing like a poetry before him. The birth, the infancy, the first love, the jovial cronies, the twist, the spirits, the guests and the doom day..All ignore...

Everything I Want.- Sidharth G

I often sit and think What I’d do If I had everything That I want.   I ponder, how it’s Actually going to be, When I finally get What I seek.   When everything I want And everything I need, Is at my feet How would I react?   Will I still be the man, That I yearn to be Or will I be someone new, Someone unknown to me and you?

Just be Yourself by Deepika Krishna

The only way you can be successful is to be yourself. This is what the American motivational speaker, activist and author Lizzie Velasquez taught us. I believe it's important that we are fully ourselves, even if we don't fit in with others because when we are not truly ourselves, it is impossible for us to be happy. It is impossible for us to be fulfilled. So when we are hanging with people that we really don't fit in with, and we get that feeling deep down, that's our inner self telling us we are not comfortable which means we are not happy. So, it's super important that we are always fully ourselves. Be true to you. See, no one can tell you what a successful life is. No one can tell you what a great life is, no one can tell you how to be happy or what you should or shouldn't be doing with your life because you are unique!

Where the beauty lies by Sarang Ashokan

  Everyone admires beauty but not everyone sees the beauty within. Sometimes we fail to see the uniqueness within every person.  From the story of the experiences from the life of Lizzie Velasquez, an American motivational speaker, who suffers from a rare syndrome which prevents her body from gaining weight. She was bullied at school in her younger days by the people who should have been there as her friends. She was a victim of cyberbullying where she had to see herself in a video titled "The ugliest girl in the world" followed by mean hate comments by people who don't seem to have a heart and failed to see that their victim has a heart that possibly couldn't bear that much pain.  But now Lizzie Velasquez is a great personality, on top of the world, she influences people. She progressed in life because she knew that she wasn't defined by what people filled with hatred thought about her.  According to me we can only progress in life by thoughts and opinions that a...

“The only person you should compare yourself to is the person that you were yesterday.” by Gopika S Nair

  You may think everyone is better than you but you are only seeing the image they portray to others. Everyone has their own fears and weaknesses, after all- we are all humans. Stop comparing yourself to others because you will always come up short. We compare because it gives us a sense of value and worth.  Comparing yourself with who you were yesterday is perfect because the reason is you are constant. It allows us to take a controlled set of behaviours and beliefs and improve consistently day in and day out. It only makes sense to compare yourself to who you were yesterday because everyone is so different. It is very easy to censure oneself in the name of certain disabilities, but the challenge comes when he or she rises like a star to defeat the negative remarks with a willpower and spirit. Don't let success and failure of others hold you back.  Bettering yourself will do more good in your life than any competition or award can ever reflect. Embrace all of your imperf...

Refrain from Comparing Yourself to Others by Alphonsa Biju

  Everyone may try to compare us with others. But, as a person, the only one whom we compare our self with, should be ourselves . Man is the greatest invention of god with innumerable contributions , and the power of an individual is irreplacably special, our competition should never be with the people around, instead it should be with us. Sir APJ ABDUL KALAM once said that everyone is unique. Yes, our uniqueness is signified when our character and attitude is polished and finished each day, destined place.

This is not MY SECRET, Its YOURS -A view on Lizzie Velasquez's talk by Nayantara B Terese

From my early childhood I have been facing a lot of difficulties in my studies. And along with that my inferiority complex was growing gradually. At some point in mylife  I need relief from these problems. So I started reading motivational stories, watching videos on YouTube and so on.But most of them were worth less. I was trying to pretend to be somebody else. During my +2course I was so desperate. I needed to find some fresh air in my life. Unexpectedly I went through Lizzie Velasquez's video, which struck me a lot. Even when I watched several ones, it made me take a step back from my ideologies. After that my journey was at a fast pace, which I can't control my positiveness. And during that time I became  house captain;fortunately the wind was on our side. We became Champions in both arts and sports. And I could achieve most of my dreams during those days. So to be honest dear friends, on those days I found out my fears and weaknesses and then I found myself too. Then I st...

Be the better you , by Sanjana Saji Nair

 Self belief and self motivation are the basic and important qualities that a person must possess. But when we become our own critic and let our insecurities rule us, it becomes a major issue. This inferiority complex blocks our sight from our bright future. When we rate ourselves by comparing with others, it never leaves a positive effect on us. So to achieve the position where you see yourself in the future, we should be our true self and ignore the inner critical voice and acknowledge the unique talents that we have. We are the one who should push us to go ahead in our life, because no one else will do that for us. The limitations that we think are only our imaginations. All the criticisms that you put on yourself will have power over you only if you allow it to do so. The comparisons that you do with others should be replaced by self comparison. By this you become a better yourself tomorrow. Always strive to improve and make progress not for perfection...

Rediscover Yourself by Aishwarya Jijikumar

  Each and every human being is unique. This uniqueness is something that differentiates us from one another. But still, in these busy lives within a fast pace world, we do compare ourselves with others. Literally,  this competitions  and comparisons depresses our own growth. Eventhough healthy competitions and comparisons are equally required for our holistic development, relent those comparisons that may create negative impulses within us. Gain the positives from the negative aspects.                             Lizzie Velasquez, who was once called "the most ugliest girl in the world" by many around her, is now an inspiration to the whole world. She may have relented upon her fate and state, but it is the real quest for her existence that lead her to fought the odds.Life is all about learning, exploring and evolving. In fact, every  lucrative ventures have once started off from no...

The Art of Being Beautiful by Sandra Cyriac

As an individual, there is nothing more important than realizing "oneself" in a world occupied with stereotypes, judgments and comparisons.Lizzie Velasquez, being a true embodiment of beauty, grace and self love signifies the importance of exploring one's own potentials and capabilities through the speech "how do you define yourself?" In every stressful and bitter situation, we all are provided with two options. One, to stay happy and focused and the other, to be depressed and give up. It is up to us to be optimistic or to be pessimistic. Our lives are in our own hands and we could choose to make it either better or worse. Lizzie was also given these two options and she decided to be optimistic and revenge the people who called her ugly and monster with her own accomplishments. Thus she proved that it was only she who defined her and not the opinions and remarks of others. Life becomes much easier and happier when we decide to accept ourself the way we are, the ...

Being our own better version. - Sidharth G Kumar.

“The Only Person You Should Compare Yourself to is the Person You Were Yesterday.”- People have the tendency to quantify everything by the method of comparison. We compare the things we have with what others possess. We even carry this tendency towards measuring our own personal growth and achievements and that’s a very unhealthy practice. This can cause us to be unhappy in our achievements and can even hinder our potential for growth. The only person we need to compare ourselves with is who we were yesterday. Being the better versions of ourselves is the very best thing we can do. Striving to become better than we were the very previous moment will help us reach heights greater than we ever imagined possible. The most important step in improving ourselves is to make sure that we shift the focus away from other people and making sure that we invest our time and efforts on enhancing our characters and abilities, however small and irrelevant they may seem.  

You are the Change , by Nandanalakshmi

 The world around us is furnished with perceptions, concepts, blames and queries. But, how far we analyse ourself twists each knot to set ablaze a change. It is very easy to censure oneself in the name of certain disabilities they have, but the challenge comes when he/she rises like a phoenix to counter the negative remarks and proliferate a spirit to sustain. All those people who became legends in the history too faced criticisms, but the intensity of self belief and self motivation made revolutions in their life. A woman who was labelled as the most ugliest in this world, is now a lady with millions of followers and admirers to hear her words and esteem her acts. At one side, she might have thought of ending up everything, but at the other side, she was determined to live with courage which reflected the greatest realization that once, the world will start recognising us when we recognise who we are. The world will give life to all our hopes and aspirations if we commence to l...

The Journey Of Self Growth - By Liya Bobby

Growth in any aspect of life can be challenging, uncomfortable and might be even full of unexpected twists and turns. But at the end of the day, we all look forward to be a better version of ourselves. And it's only when we start the journey to personal development, we realise that, there is never an end to this journey of self improvement. T his growth can be achieved only by improving your  everyday activities and even making conscious better decisions and efforts daily. Be consistent and daring to move out from your comfort zone where growth actually takes place. Never forget there is always room for improvement for anything and everything  in life and the only person you should compare yourself to is the person  that you  were yesterday. So be confident and never let anyone belittle you. Remember to be patient and to take it step by step and be a better version of yourself everyday. 

Beauty never lies in your appearance but with your heart -Gouri. R

 The most worst thing that human beings do is comparison. The only thing that we get through comparison is sorrow. Because, after comparing we figure out small things and continuously think of it then get upset for that may it is the matter with colour ,beauty ,talents etc. But what exactly we have to do is to believe in ourselves and be confident and proud to be what we are. Never go behind lackness but that lakhs of things we have . In such a contest of discussion I have to mention this lady the most beautiful lady-Lissie velasques. Someone titled her as the most ugly lady but I have to say this she is the most beautiful lady. She is a real warrior who showed those ones who called her ugly her beauty .So the thing is beauty never lies in your appearance but with your heart and never be so comparative. Always believe we are perfect in one way or the other .The people who comment bad on you once will change it until you show the dare to face the world .

"Be unique" by Devika Saju

“Comparison is the fastest way to feel unhappy.” We think everyone is better than ourselves. Everyone in the world has their own strengths and weaknesses. We should be happy for the success of others. We can use their achievements as inspiration. We compare ourselves to others because we are lacking confidence. Being positive can help us feel happy and deal with the adverse situations better. Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam said that “No youth needs to fear about the future because the ignited mind of the youth is the most powerful resource on earth, under the earth and above the earth”. Everybody has their own potential. There are many people in the world who have proved themselves unique by overcoming the adversities in life .We have to fight the hardest battle until we achieve success in life. The only person you should compare with yourself to is the person that you were yesterday.

The courage to face reality by Raichal C

  Lizzie velasques can be considered as the bravest girl in the world. She went through an experience which can break any bold mind. To others she was the uggliest. But she was not willing to be a product of others opinion. She was ready to accept the reality. At the same time, she realize the qualities in herself. Her attitude is very much inspiring for all of us. "Every individual is unique". So, we should try to be ourself.

It's toxic to compare yourself to others! by Anjana S

We live in a world where the competition to become the best of best is extremely fierce. Competitors are all around, striving hard to gain perfection in life. So, it becomes quite natural for us to compare ourselves to others in terms of appearance, talent, personality and other qualities. But, is it healthy to do so? We are already aware that the answer is 'no'.  Comparing yourself to others is highly toxic. It is a common dilemma we all have to go through at some point in our lives. We just can't help but feel envy towards certain people as some of their qualities may seem beyond our reach. But, while sobbing over a flaw of ours and comparing it with a person who might not have that particular flaw, we are actually being foolish because we keep dismissing an important matter from our minds. What we are forgetting is the fact that the same person might probably be dealing with similar troubles. Therefore, comparing ourselves to others is completely pointless. "The onl...

Just Believe in Yourself by Shanif Jaleel C N

Life always offers you a second chance, it's called tomorrow. Whatever happens yesterday is in the past. So, compare yourself with what you were yesterday and make that comparison a success by becoming a better version of yourself today. Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. Just forget about what happened in the past and be the one who always have a strong desire to achieve your goals. “ The only person you should compare yourself  to is the p erson  y ou were  y esterday .”

Motivation- by Fathima Heena Hasmi

 I started hearing the term 'motivation' when I was in grade VI or VII. My school organised various motivational classes for the students to excel in academics. But the spirit of such sessions lasted only for a single night. Still, the impact that each sessions made were not less, it motivated me to study hard for a bright future. And then I started watching motivational videos online, but neither made a constant impact. Within years, I realised that when an external person motivates you, it’s their calibre and not yours. We all should be incentive internally. The successful days awaits us in the future should be our motive. Nobody has the capacity to motivate us permanently but your ignited mind has the power for it. Whenever you feel demotivated or a bit down, think of your goal, the one that hails into your mind continuously. Your incentive and focused mind will definitely help you to reach your goal. Believe in yourself even if no one else does, nobody knows you better than...

The Only Person You Should Compare Yourself is to The Person That You Were Yesterday

 The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reels. These are the famous words of Steven Furtick.  You may think everyone is better than you are, but you are only seeing the image they Portray to others. You are actively comparing their highlight reel to your intimate knowledge of every flow that which doesn't make any sence at all. Everyone has their own fears and weaknesses-after all we're all human. Stop comparing yourself to others, you'll always come up short . In the time of comparing start updating yourself. You can develop qualities such as humor ,courage and so on.. 

Soulmates? by Shanif Jaleel C N

I thought she completed my world, But she just became another reason  For the tears in my eyes, The pain in my heart. Is love that fake? Or am I more innocent? I don't know! Maybe loving you More than what you deserve Is the reason behind you Hurting me More than what I deserve!